Discover the truth behind what’s holding you back. 89% of cyclists suffer from it, but most have never heard of it…

Chances are you’re one of them.

Weak Hips & Core Are Causing Your Injuries 

A stronger rider is a faster rider, but there’s more to it than just power output. Targeted strength training is the most effective way to increase your endurance and reduce your risk of injury.

For years, health experts have recommended aerobic exercise like cycling as a means to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In recent years, however, studies have shown that it is a combination of strength training and cardio that will have the maximum benefit for your health.

Everyone wants more power on their bike, but that shouldn’t be the only focus of a strength training program for cyclists. At Dynamic Cyclist, our focus is developing programs that not only having you riding your best, but feeling your best off the bike as well.


Cycling is a low impact activity, which means it’s great for your joints, but not so great for supporting your bone density and postural deficits. Have you ever heard the expression “too much of a good thing?” Well, it’s unfortunately true of cycling.

As with any repetitive movement, the cycling motion can lead to imbalances in the body. Most common is the overdevelopment of the quads and glutes and the underdevelopment of the hamstrings and hip stabilizers. Cycling is also an activity that we do sitting - something most of us do far too much of. Proper posture and core strength become integral to prevent lower back pain and injury.

Strength training can help fill the gaps left cycling, and build stronger bones, improve coordination, prevent injury, and give you more power on the bike.

Understanding the Importance of Core & Hip Strength

A silent upper body results in a very stable platform for the muscles that provide power on the bike to push against.

Making the core and hip muscles function as a unit with proper control is the goal of strengthening the core, not necessarily developing a six pack. You may see some physical changes, you may not, but you will feel better while riding.

Lower Crossed Syndrome

Understanding Lower Crossed Syndrome will help you understand one of the most common causes of back pain in cyclists. The image below illustrates improper muscle loading that results in pain and discomfort. The inhibited muscles, abdominals and glutes, are never fully engaged in cycling, while the facilitated muscles, rectus femoris (quadriceps), iliopsoas and thoraco-lumbar extensors  are always engaged and often overworked. Constantly engaging those lower back muscles without proper support from a stable core often results in lower back pain.

While pedaling, quadriceps pull the pelvis forward. To keep your body on the bike, your lower back resists that pull. It is an action that is not inherent to the design of your lower back muscles. The result is overworked lower back muscles that may cross into pain.

The Benefits of a Targeted Strength Training Program for Cyclists


Cycling is a repetitive motion, often over developing the quads and glutes while the hamstrings and hip flexors lag behind. Our strength training program takes this into account, focusing on restoring muscle balance and correcting any deficiencies.


There is no doubt that cycling itself requires coordination and balance, but through the years it can become so second nature that it no longer challenges our intramuscular systems. Strength training with things like weights and resistance bands can help improve your balance and coordination. This is particularly important as we age as it keeps the connections within the nervous system strong.


This is an important one for cyclists. Studies have shown that the bone density of some competitive riders is lower than their sedentary controls. This makes strength training a necessary part of any training plan in order to maintain healthy bone density and combat things like osteoporosis. 


Some of the most common injuries for cyclists include ITB syndrome, neck pain, low back pain, and knee pain. Most are caused by muscle imbalances. A combination of strength training and routine stretching can  strengthen your muscles and connective tissues to help prevent these injuries.


Who doesn’t want more power on the bike? This is a bit of a no brainer, as the stronger your muscles are, the more power you’ll be able to exert within the cycling motion. It can be a difficult thing to develop on your bike, so using strength training is actually one of the best ways to become a stronger climber and overall rider.


Dynamic Cyclist began in 2017 with the creation of our daily stretching and mobility program. Our team has grown over the past 3 years as we have worked with our members to provide ongoing injury prevention and training specific for cyclists, as well as strength training and on the bike training plans. 

Hate the gym? Us too.

Hours out on the bike doesn’t phase most cyclists, but the thought of going to the gym can be daunting. Whether it’s just not your thing, or you don’t know where to start, strength training can seem complicated and frustrating - especially when you don’t see results! We want to take the guesswork out of strength training for cyclists, and have you reaping all the benefits in short targeted sessions, without having to step foot in a gym. 

The Mistakes Most Cyclists Make When Starting Strength Training

  • TOO MUCH TOO SOON - Have you ever attacked a climb, only to burn out half way up? It’s an awful feeling, and the same thing happens far too often with strength training. You don’t need to be doing 50 squat cleans with a ton of weight, in fact, doing so may just hinder your training rather than get you closer to your goals.
  • DOING THE WRONG EXERCISES - There are certain movements that are going to more beneficial to cyclists than others. Remember, strength training is filling in the gaps and bringing balance to the body, not replacing cycling altogether. Focusing too much on the wrong areas will just be a waste of time.
  • NOT HAVING REALISTIC GOALS - When starting a strength training regime, you don’t need to be doing 7 sessions a week, plus, doing so will increase the chance of burnout or dropping the program altogether. Be realistic about how much time you’re willing to dedicate to strength training, then work them into your life.

Finally, Cycling Specific Strength Training

Make the most of your time and ride pain free. 

Plans For All Levels

From beginner to advanced, we have comprehensive strength programs designed specifically for cyclists. These routines use minimal equipment and are 20-30 minutes in length - all you have to do is click play and follow along. Led by industry professionals. 

Built For Cyclists

Our strength programs are designed to be done alongside on the bike training. Time on the bike is the most important thing to us, so we want to make the most of your time so you can ride faster, for longer, without pain. 

Comprehensive Programming for Cyclists

Dynamic Cyclist is the only cyclist specific all in one platform that provides you everything you need to feel your best both on and off the bike. 

Not only will you have instant access to all of our strength programs, but you will also have: 

  • Daily Stretching Program (15 minute routines)
  • Injury Prevention & Rehab Programs (Hip, Knee, Low Back, and more)
  • 4 Video-based Training Plans by legendary cycling coach Jasper Blake
  • Skills Courses 
  • Yoga & Pilates for Cyclists

Try the Dynamic Cyclist Strength Training Plans + BONUS PROGRAMS

Dynamic Cyclist can help unlock your full potential by increasing range of motion, accelerating recovery and preventing injury.




Receive our 3 phase strength training plan PLUS access to:

Daily stretching & mobility routines

20 minute average routine length

6 full programs including: injury, mobility, strength, recovery, training, & skills

 ✔ 289 hours of training/guided content

 ✔ Instant 24/7 access

 ✔ 100% money-back guarantee

✔ 7 Day FREE Trial

✔ No membership price increases—ever!

✔ 30% savings compared to monthly membership

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Receive our 3 phase strength training plan PLUS access to:

✔ Daily stretching & mobility routines

✔ 20 minute average routine length

✔ 6 full programs including: injury, mobility, strength, recovery, training, & skills

 ✔ 289 hours of training/guided content

 ✔ Instant 24/7 access

 ✔ 100% money-back guarantee

✔ 7 Day FREE Trial

✔ No membership price increases—ever!


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