5 Keys to a Successful Cycling Training Plan

Sep 19, 2024
cycling training plan

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Structuring a cycling training plan that meets your needs and goals is a task that often intimidates new and experienced cyclists, alike. There are so many variables to consider that it’s often just easier to get out on the bike and hope for the best! We all know that’s a plan to fail, however. 

Today we’ll teach you how to make your own cycling training plan, plus give you an example of how to schedule your rides based on the programming we provide here at Dynamic Cyclist!

Here’s Why You Need a Cycling Training Plan…

It’s easy to fall into the habit of doing random rides of varying distances with little to no change in intensity for days, weeks, months, and even years on end. To come across a cyclist (maybe just by looking in the mirror!) who hasn’t made much progress in the last year is not at all uncommon. A cycling training plan is how we prevent that from happening.

Take the time to come up with a plan that focuses on your training goals and/or upcoming race objectives. It gives you a structured approach that you don’t have to think twice about, and decreases any anxiety around what you have to do on a given day. Without clear guidance, you run the risk of wasting time, limiting progress, and getting hurt. 

A cycling training plan allows you to see your workload laid out in front of you. This provides an opportunity to ensure that things are balanced accordingly and make sense overall. It’s motivating to see a path laid out in front of you that leads to your goals, always with the flexibility to make accommodations along the way.

(Adobe Stock)

5 Key Components of a Cycling Training Plan

Below you’ll find the 5 key components of every successful cycling training plan! You’ll learn the basics of different training types, along with their purposes and parameters. The different training zones will be mentioned when talking about intensity. To make sure you understand what those mean, here’s a quick run down that you can reference along the way…

Zone 1: Active recovery – Very light effort for easy recovery and warm-ups.

Zone 2: Endurance – Moderate effort for building aerobic stamina.

Zone 3: Tempo – Challenging but sustainable pace.

Zone 4: Lactate threshold – High-intensity effort where lactic acid builds up.

Zone 5: VO2 max – Maximum effort for enhancing peak aerobic power.

1. Base Training

Base training focuses on building your aerobic endurance, which is important for longer rides and also for recovery after high-intensity efforts. Base training involves steady, low-intensity rides that gradually increase in duration.

Example Workout: Steady Endurance Ride

  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Warm-up: 10 minutes of easy riding
  • Main set: 1 hour of steady riding at a conversational pace (zone 2)
  • Cool-down: 10 minutes of easy riding

Goal: Build up your aerobic endurance and improve stamina for longer rides + ability to recover.

2. Strength & Power Workouts 

Strength and power workouts involve higher-intensity intervals, hill repeats, and/or strength exercises to build muscular endurance and power on the bike.

Example Workout: Hill Repeats

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Warm-up: 15 minutes of easy riding
  • Main set: 6 x 3-minute hill climbs at a high intensity (zone 4-5)
    • 3 minutes of easy riding or recovery between climbs
  • Cool-down: 10 minutes of easy riding

Goal: Build your muscular endurance and power through high-intensity intervals on hills.

3. Speed & VO2 Max Sessions

Speed and VO2 max sessions are high-intensity intervals that improve your ability to sustain fast paces and handle anaerobic (without oxygen) efforts. These are important skills to have for different parts of a race, such as short sprints and attacks.

Example Workout: VO2 Max Intervals

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Warm-up: 15 minutes of easy riding
  • Main set: 5 x 4-minute high-intensity intervals (zone 5) with 4 minutes of recovery between intervals
  • Cool-down: 10 minutes of easy riding

Goal: Improve your ability to sustain fast paces and handle anaerobic efforts.

4. Recovery & Rest Days

Recovery and rest days are just as important as training. Your body and mind need time to repair and rebuild after tough sessions, so your plan should include rest days or easy recovery rides, such as the one below.

Example Workout: Active Recovery Ride

Duration: 45 minutes

Intensity: Very easy, at a relaxed pace (zone 1)

Description: Focus on light spinning to promote blood flow that will aid in muscle recovery.

Goal: Help your body to recover from previous workouts while keeping the legs loose and refreshed.

5. Periodization

Periodization is the structuring of your cycling training plan into phases—starting with base training and progressing to higher-intensity workouts. Periodization ensures that you peak at the right time of the season, whether it's for a race or personal goal.

Example of Periodization

  1. Preparation (base building; 4-6 weeks)
  2. Build (strength & power development; 4-6 weeks)
  3. Peak (race preparation; 2-4 weeks)
  4. Recovery (transition & recovery; 2-4 weeks)
  5. Repeat/Adjust

(Adobe Stock)

Sample Cycling Training Plan

We’d now like to give you a FREE two weeks of programming from our platform here at Dynamic Cyclist, the #1 app for cyclist training worldwide. Take a look at these samples from our BUILD ENDURANCE training plan.  

If you’d like the FULL 8 week training program, plus access to the world’s BEST stretching, mobility, strength training and injury prevention routines for cyclists (+ many more cycling training plans!), then Dynamic Cyclist is for YOU!

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Written by Eric Lister – Certified Personal Trainer & Corrective Exercise Specialist

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